St. Nicholas Orthodox Church (OCA)
67 Saratoga Street
Cohoes, NY 12047

Donate button:

-Donations can now be made to specific types, similar to those in church envelopes.  
-Please click on the dropdown - General Donation - to see further choices
-Donations can be made using either a credit card or checking account
-A fee is charged for every transaction done.  
-Fees for transactions will default to the person making the donation. 
These fees are: 
Credit card other than AMEX                            2.9% +  30¢ per transaction
ACH/Bank:                                                         1%  +  30¢ per transaction
AMEX:                                                               3.5% +  30¢ per transaction
-If you do not wish to cover the cost of the fees for the donation, please uncheck the box on the screen.  The church will then have to cover the cost.
-Since the fee is based on the amount donated, the only additional cost of making separate donations is a $.30 base fee attached to each donation.

The Memo field at the bottom of the screen can be used:
- To make multiple donations in one transaction.  Choose General Donation in dropdown and provide specific details
- In Memory of donation choice, to provide the name of the person you would like to remember 
- To make a donation that is not listed, chose General Donation and provide details
- For any donation type to provide further detail

The virtual images on this site are the exclusive property of  St. Nicholas Orthodox Church, Cohoes, NY. Educational use is permitted; however, the content may not be re-purposed, reproduced, quoted without proper citation, or offered for sale in any form without the express written permission from St. Nicholas Church Board and/or the owners of the original images, if applicable.