St. Nicholas Orthodox Church (OCA)
Православный Храм Святого Николая
67 Saratoga Street
Cohoes, NY 12047
Installation of Officers 2025

On Sunday March 2nd the trustees were sworn in for the year 2025 …God grant them many years!

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Defibrillator donation for our church

St. Nicholas Church applied for and was chosen as a recipient for a defibrillator for our church. We are so thankful to the Troy Savings Bank Charitable Foundation for this grant. We had been talking about purchasing an AED device and we were lucky to have received an email announcing an invitation to apply for a grant. We hope we never have to use the defibrillator, but in the event there is an incident, we have the tools to act quickly. Many thanks and God Bless the Foundation for all that they do. 

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Pierogi Making January, 2025

Today, Saturday January 11, we once again got together to prepare the pierogis for our upcoming Flea Market/Craft Fair to be held May 10, 2025.  Thank you to all who volunteered today as always...

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- 01/06/25

On January 6, 2025 we celebrated the feast of Theophany. Dave Oreshan, John Serbalik and Joe Molesky were the candleholders.

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AED defibrillator from American Red Cross and Troy Savings Bank representatives

President Barb Gerzonich accepts certificate for AED defibrillator from American Red Cross and Troy Savings Bank representatives, December 17. St. Nicholas Church was awarded a grant for the life saving device.

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St. Nicholas Day Party - 2024

On December 15th our church celebrated a great St. Nicholas Day, including a Yolka.  Several children were in attendance and St. Nicholas came and gave presents to them and they all had happy faces when opening them.  There was wonderful food as usual, with many contributing their favorite, including many delicious desserts.  Thank you to all who make this happen every year.  

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St. Nicholas Day Service - 2024

Again we were happy to have Abouna John and Khouriya Anna and their children from St George’s Orthodox Church in Albany join us for our patronal feast dayVesperal Divine Liturgy.  It made the feast extra special.  The children received gold chocolate coins from St Nicholas and we enjoyed a great meal prepared by Patricellli’s in Troy. 

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Chrismation John Gaito

Today, December 1, we received John Gaito into the orthodox church.  Sadly, we lost Susan, his wife earlier this year but I know that Susan was looking down today on John and happy that he became Orthodox.  May God grant him many more happy healthy years.

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Colin Supernaw November 3, 2024 photos

On Sunday, November 3, we began the year long catecumenate of Colin Supernaw… Colin is from Plattsburgh and  is attending SUNY at Albany.  We hope and pray that his study of the church and prayer will lead him to be baptized in the Orthodox faith.

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"Stop the Bleed" Information Sessiion

On Sunday, November 3, the Albany County Sheriff's department came to give us training on what to do in the event  there was a mass casualty.  This session was entitled “Stop the Bleed”.   The trainer explained to us what to do if we had to apply tourniquets.

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110th Anniversary October 6, 2024

Today, October 6, 2024, St. Nicholas Church celebrated their 110th anniversary. We decided to keep it simple and just enjoy the anniversary over a great meal, a glass of wine and good conversation.  42 people attended a great brunch at the Century House.  May God grant us another 110 years and more!

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Wedding of Alexandra Prentice and Emmett O’Hara

On Saturday, September 28, Alexandra Prentice married Emmett O’Hara.  Alexandra is the granddaughter of  the late Archpriest Daniel and Matushka Barbara Pavelchak.  Over 140 guests enjoyed the service and later the beautiful reception which was held at the Gideon Putnam in Saratoga.  God Grant them Many Years!!!

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Flea Market/Craft Fair September 21, 2024

On Saturday September 21st , we held our second flea market/craft fair for 2024.  Many of our people were away or had other commitments, but those who worked stepped up to the plate and got the job done.  Even though the flea market benefits the church financially, the greater satisfaction comes from  bringing our church together for fellowship.

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Dr. Kimberly Ann Peregrim

On September 15, 2024 at the end of the liturgy, we prayed for Dr. Kimberly Ann Peregrim who will be deployed to Reinstadt Germany at the end of the month.  She will be there until the beginning part of April just in time for holy week and pascha. May God grant her a safe deployment..

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Blessing of Cars August 25, 2024

On Sunday August 25th we did the annual blessing of cars of those who came to church that day. We pray that all the cars that were blessed will be kept from all harm.

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On Tuesday, August 13, the parish was invited to the Serbalik camp at Lake George for an outing… Several people came, enjoyed a boat ride on Lake George, a festive meal and time for swimming and sunbathing… The weather couldn’t be better… We thank the Serbaliks for always having us up annually at their camp for fun and frolic.

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Pierogi Making for the Flea Market and Craft Fair

Today, Saturday August 10th, we once got together to prepare the pierogis for our upcoming Flea Market/Craft Fair to be held September 21, 2024.  Thank you to all who volunteered today and always...

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July 6, 2024 at 2pm Fr, Terenti performed the marriage of Daniel Kozak and Kyra Pavelchak.  He was assisted by Fr. Igor Burdikoff and Fr. Matthew Markewich.  May God grant them many healthy happy years!

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On Saturday and Sunday, June 1 and 2nd respectively, Archbishop Michael came to visit and served Vespers and the Paschal Divine Liturgy on Sunday.  Each day after the service, we enjoyed a great meal and the company of His Eminence.  We look forward to his visit next year.

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Flea Market/Craft Fair May 11, 2024

Saturday’s May 11th flea market was a huge success.  A few thousand people passed through the rows of vendors perusing the tables and purchasing great deals.  Our ethnic and grill food sold out very quickly, as well as the bake sale.  We look forward to the September flea market. 

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Pascha May 5, 2024

Services during Holy Week were all well attended.  86 people attended the 8am morning Paschal vigil.  Many stayed for the Agape meal at the end to break the fast and we honored two of our nonagenarians Alice Lyons and recently turned 90 Dorothy Bellrose. 

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Palm Sunday 2024

On Palm Sunday, we had 76 people in church and 53 came for general confession… The church was filled with palms and pussy willows from an abundant harvest… so far the weeks' services are becoming more and more popular.

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Michael Hart - Catechumen

Pierogi Making 2/10/24

This past weekend was the day that we made sauerkraut pierogies. Several people from Saint Nicholas church as well as friends came together and had a great social event. We made over 273 dozen no small feat! 

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Active Shooter Training

After our Sunday Divine Liturgy service on February 4, the Albany County Sheriffs Department came to give an active shooter training session to members of our community. Their session  showed us how to react if an active shooter should come into our church and do the unthinkable.

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New Parishioners

Pierogi Making 1-20-24

On Saturday, January 20, members of our parish and friends gathered to make 270 dozen of potato and cheese pierogies that will be sold at our May 11th flea market.  Afterward we all enjoyed great food and relaxed.  Thank you to everyone....

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Christmas Eve 2023

On Sunday December 24, St. Nicholas Church set a record for Christmas services.   We had 50 people for confession, 65 for Christmas Eve Divine Liturgy and 50 people stayed for the holy supper afterwards.  This year we served the Compline and Matins service at noon time.

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St. Nicholas Day Party 12-17-23

On December 17th our church celebrated St. Nicholas Day with a Yolka.  Several children were in attendance and St. Nicholas came and gave presents to them.  We had a very delicious ziti dinner and lots of desserts to celebrate the day,

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Pierogi Making 12-9-23

On December 8th and 9th parishioners and friends came together to prepare 250 dozen pierogis for the holidays.  We thank all who helped out this weekend to prepare them.

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This evening we celebrated a Vesperal Divine Liturgy for the feast of Saint Nicholas, our patron saint.  We were blessed to have with us Father John Vasquez and his wife Khouria Hanna with their five children from St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church in Albany and guests from other parishes.

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Divine Liturgy November 25, 2023

On November 25, the Plattsburgh Mission gathered to celebrate the liturgy at the Plattsburgh United Methodist Church. 15 people enjoyed a great coffee hour afterwards and we discussed certain topics as website statistics, results of the survey regarding a name of a saint or feast for the mission, and finances especially that is now operational.  The group decided to resurvey the group with the top two contenders. Once we all have agreed upon a name we will present the name to the bishop for his approval.

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Thanksgiving Liturgy 2023

Today 15 people came together to give thanks by celebrating Thanksgiving… Even though it’s not on the liturgical calendar, it makes sense for us to come together and give thanks for this great nation, and that the experiment of sovereignty and democracy continues in this great land.

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Lydia Nakhlupina's 80th birthday

Today at our coffee hour after the Divine Liturgy, we celebrated Lydia Nakhlupina's 80th birthday.  Lydia has been a regular communicant at St. Nicholas for several years.  She was born and raised in the Ural Mountain region of Russia.  She brings happiness and love to our parish each week.  We wish her many more healthy and happy years. 

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Sister Vassa Larin from Vienna

On Friday evening, October 20, Saint Nicholas hosted Sister Vassa Larin from Vienna.  There were 36 people in attendance from various churches in the area. Sister Vassa was having a book tour on her book Praying In Time.  Her book explains the first, third, sixth, and ninth hour in tradition, and she provides a way we can pray the hours during our busy schedules.  Afterwords, we enjoyed refreshments and socializing with those in attendance.

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Flea Market/Craft Fair September 16, 2023

What a great time we had getting our Flea Market/Craft Fair ready for September 16, 2023.  A lot of hard work went into it but it was worth it because it was a SUCCESS.  We heard great comments from our vendors about the layout, considering all the rain we had and the grounds not being easy to work with.  We sure hope they were successful too and will see them back at our next date when chosen.  THANK YOU TO EVERYONE...  One last comment, once again our photographer did not get in any of these photos.....  Won't happen again haha....

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The visit of his Eminence Archbishop Michael


On Sunday, June 11 Archbishop Michael was here to bless us on his annual visit. We were pleased to get his blessings, his wisdom, and the opportunity to speak with him about matters in the church. Father Terenti was awarded the Palitza and Vonnie Izzo, Kathy Fomuk, and Judy Fuschino were awarded grammotas. We wish them all many happy healthy years.

Prep for Flea Market and Craft Fair September 16, 2023

Saturday, September 9th is the day we met at the concession stand to prepare for our September 16th Flea Market/Craft Fair.  A lot of work, but worth it.... Hop to see you all there on the 16th....

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Divine Liturgy September 3, 2023

On Sunday, September 3rd, Divine Liturgy was served with many in attendance.  Following Liturgy, we all enjoyed delicious food at our Labor Day picnic.  

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Plattsburgh Hierarchal Divine Liturgy-August 19, 2023

On Saturday, August 19, 2023, Archbishop Michael came to serve the first ever Hierarchical Divine Liturgy for Plattsburgh ... 30 people attended--some from Saint Nicholas in Cohoes.  There was a question and answer period with the bishop while we ate an enjoyable meal with great fellowship.

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Pierogi Making 7-22-23

Another day for perogi making, getting ready for our Flea Market/Craft Fair September 16, 2023. 

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Feast of the Transfiguration

On the Feast of the Transfiguration, Sunday, August 6th, 39 parishioners gathered on the cemetery grounds to celebrate the Divine Liturgy.  Following the liturgy we blessed fruit and enjoyed a picnic.

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Pierogi Making

Over 50 people did a great job making pierogis on Saturday! Special thanks to our parishioners of St. Nicholas, their friends, our neighbors from St. Basil's and the Serbalik and Fuschino family!

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Picnic at Serbalik’s Lake George Camp

The Serbalik family has again invited us all up to their camp for a day at the lake.  We thank them for their generosity in sharing this gem in Lake George.

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Father Terenti receiving the Palitza

On Saturday June 10 and Sunday, June 11 we were blessed to have his Eminence Archbishop Michael here to bless us, give us his wisdom and celebrate the hierarchical Divine Liturgy.  Father Terenti received the Palitza and three parishioners received grammotas, Judy Fuschino, Kathy Fomuk, and Vonnie Izzo.

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Baptism of John Richard DiSorbo

On Sunday May 28th 2023, we baptized John Richard DiSorbo.  John Richard is the son of Danielle and Daniel DiSorbo.  His grandparents are Helen and Richard DiBacco.  May God grant them many happy healthy years and we are pleased he is part of our growing community!

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Baptism of Maxim Edward Nicholas Izzo

On Saturday May 27, 2023 we baptized Maxim Edward Nicholas Izzo. He is the son of Paul and Megan Izzo. Nicholas Izzo Jr, his uncle, was the godfather. May God grant him many happy healthy years!

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Flea Market/Craft Fair May 13, 2023

Today, May 13, we held a very successful flea market/craft fair....We thank Guptills for allowing us to use their parking facilites once again, which made things run more smootly for us.  We hope to continue in September.... Please keep watching...

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Thoroughbred Blessing

On Saturday, April 22, we ventured up to  Ballston Spa and Stillwater to bless the thoroughbreds owned by Janina Miszkiewicz.

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Holy Saturday and Pascha, April 16, 2023

Dear Parishioners and Friends:
      Christ is Risen! Xpucmoc Bockpece! Hristos a inviat! Christi Unjal! Almasiya Quam!
I want to extend to you blessings during this Bright Week. We had very good attendance at the services during Holy Week averaging around 30. On Pascha morning we set a record. 108 people passed through our doors and around 75 stayed for the whole service.  The basement was full for the agape meal at the end. There were many compliments on how beautiful the church looked with all of the flowers and that the choir was outstanding. Thanks to all who made Pascha a great day!   Fr. T

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Preparing palms and pussy willows for Palm Sunday 4/9/23

Visit from Dean Fr. Alexy Karlgut March 5, 2023

On Sunday, March 5, 2023 we were delighted to have our Dean Fr Alexy Karlgut  join us for the Divine Liturgy. After services, Father Alexy presided over our annual meeting. During the meeting, Fr Alexy explained the necessity to pass our draft of revised By-Laws. We also elected new officers and passed the 2023 budget.

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Pierogi Making February 17 and 18, 2023

Parishioners of St.Nicholas, along with friends met on the 17th and 18th of February to prepare for our Flea Market/Craft Fair to be held on May 13th.  We had a great time, with lots of laughs, while we made the potato pierogi.  Sauerkraut pierogi will be made at another date....  

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January 7, 2023

On Saturday, January 7 we celebrated a dual feast of the Nativity and the Synaxis of Saint John the Baptist… some of the parishioners prefer January 7 for Christmas and so this is why we have a mixed feast.

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Feast of Theophany

On Thursday, January 5 we served a Vesperal Divine Liturgy for the Feast of Theophany.  15 people attended the liturgy, followed by the blessing of the waters.

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Delicious Baked Goods

A few of our good people at the church decided to have a mini fundraiser which was incredibly successful.  Over $1000 was made in profit for the kolache/makovnik nut roll for the Christmas holidays.  Traditional poppyseed rolls were made, as well as walnut, raspberry, almond apricot and date nut and fruit cakes.  Several people have commented on how delicious the rolls were.  I'm sure we will be making them again in the future!

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St. Nicholas Arrives

On Sunday, December 18 we were blessed to have a visit from St. Nicholas. Over 60 people came to church and St. Nicholas presented gifts to 9 children. We sang Christmas carols (kolady) headed by Stephanie Stroyen while our parish president Barbara Gerzonich played the accordion. Truly a blessed and fun day! 

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Thanksgiving 2022

Today on Saint Catherine’s Day and our National Thanksgiving Day, we celebrated Liturgy with 12 people.  We gave thanks to all blessings from our Lord remembering what Saint Paul told us "Pray without ceasing and giving thanks for all".

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Divine Liturgy Plattsburgh NY

Dear Plattsburgh folks:
Christ is in our midst!  Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving
Attached are a few photos from our excursion north to celebrate Divine Liturgy on November 19th.  10 people were in attendance.  The group enjoyed a light meal after the service and we got to know each other better.  Everyone wanted to have Divine Liturgy on a regular monthly basis, so we are planning to have the Divine Liturgy on Saturday, December 17th.  I have yet to hear back from the United Methodist Church for that date, but I will let you all know once it is confirmed. Word has spread and I have heard from a few others who are excited that the Orthodox Church has placed the Cross in Plattsburgh ground. 
Blessings to all, 
Fr. Terenti Wasielewski

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John Serbalik's Special Birthday 10-10-22

John Serbalik, our cameraman, thank you for always taking all photos, except this one, celebrates a monumental birthday on October 10th … we wish him many more HAPPY HEALTHY YEARS!!! 

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Our Newest American Citizen--- CONGRATULATIONS 10-9-22

Today we celebrated Lydia Nakhlupina who is now an American citizen. Lydia is the “grandmother” to all of us … she gives us love and a smile and makes us beautiful paper mache … she is so generous giving us gifts … we are so happy for her new citizenship and more importantly that she is part of our Cohoes family. God grant her many happy healthy years!

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Animal blessing October 1, 2022

Father Terenti participated in the service for the blessing of the animals on Saturday, October 1 at New Skete monastery… His dog Sweet Pea Sophia II was one of the many cats and dogs that were blessed for the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi.

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Susan and John Gaito Visit October 6, 2022

Father Terenti visited Susan and John Gaito today to give them the sacraments and both wish everybody well...

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Baptism of Samuel John Gould 9-11-22

On Sunday, September 11, 2022,  we baptized Samuel John Gould, born on May 9, 2022.  He is the son of  Katie and Eric Gould.  Following the churching, we feasted on pulled pork and brisket and other fixings. 

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Labor Day Picnic following Divine Liturgy 9-4-22

New Altar Server

Today Nikita Padunin joined Victor and Vladimir to become the third altar server....  We are very happy to have another person to help out in the altar.  May God grant him many years!

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Divine Liturgy August 14, 2022

Dear folks:
      I was told we had 56 people for the outside Divine Liturgy at the cemetery today and over 25 participated in General Confession prior to the service. This is a very good attendance for the summer.  Let's keep it up.   Blessings to you! Fr. T

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Lake George Picnic 7-25-22

Weather was outstanding! The food was plentiful and delicious!  The 2 hour tour on the pontoon boat with Captain Vince and First Mate Judy was a great success!

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Dr. Gail, Jake and Joshua Glushko Visit St. Nicholas today

Dr. Gail, Jake and Joshua Glushko visited our Church today.  Josh was one of the altar servers and Jake and his mom sang with the choir.  Dr. Gail was baptized in our Church and is a long distance member of St. Nicholas.  She is a retired Colonel in the Army and a Doctor of Internal Medicine.  They live in Beaver Creek, OH and are here visiting with her friend Stephanie.  Come back soon!!!!

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Visit from Archbishop Michael 7-10-22

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Divine Liturgy July 3, 2022

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Flea Market/Craft Fair May 14, 2022

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Holy Pascha April 24, 2022

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Palm Sunday 2022

Dorothy and Alice

Baptism of Peter DiSorbo

Icon Blessing 1-16-22

Christmas 2021

Raffle 12-19-21

Icon Donation in Memory of Alan Hodges

Flea Market and Craft Show 9-18-21

Archbishop Michael visit and receptions July 11, 2021

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4th of July, 2021 picnic

Pentecost 2021

Divine Liturgy at our Cemetery

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Pascha 2021

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Palm Sunday 2021

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Baptism of Ariadne Arbuzova

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Mildred Katz Wedding - 1950

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Baptism of Thomas Michael Dawkins 10-3-20

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Baptism of Piper Elizabeth Izzo - 9/19/20

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Chrismation Jeffrey Thomas Downey

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Visit from Archbishop Michael

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Divine Liturgy at our Cemetery

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Pascha 2020

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Presanctified Liturgy

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Peroghi Making 3/7/20

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Pavelchak Family here to celebrate +Mat. Barbara Pavelchak's birthday

Parishioners from Providence RI - Pavelchak Family - 01/12/20

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Russian Christmas -- Hristos Rozhdayetsa!

Russian Christmas - 01/07/20

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Blessing of Waters - 01/06/20

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St. Basil's Day

St. Basil's Day - 01/01/20

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Holy Supper = Sviaty Vecher

Holy Supper = Sviaty Vecher - 12/24/19

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St. Nicholas Visits the Children

St. Nicholas visitation - 12/08/19

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Archbishop MIchael's visit to the parish

St. Nicholas Day visit from Archbishop Michael - 12/05/19

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George Gould's 1st birthday party

George Gould's 1st birthday party - 11/10/19

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Pig Roast

Honorary all - 11/03/19

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Flea Market September 2019

Over 200 spaces for Sept fle!market - 09/21/19

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St. Mary Magdelene and St. Peter 1st Metropolitan of Moscow

St. Mary Magdalene and St. Peter 1st Metropolitan of Moscow - 08/25/19

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Picinic in Lake George

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Transfiguration DIvine Liturgy

Vesperal Divine Liturgy on August 5th - 08/05/19

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Juvenalia's graduation from high school

Graduation party after Divine Liturgy - 07/28/19

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Pentecost blessing and picnic at the cemetery

Pentecost and cemetery blessings - 06/16/19

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Fr. Terenti's Birthday

Fr. Terenti's Birthday at the Rusty Nail - 06/05/19

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Parish cleanup day

Cleaning around the parish grounds - 06/01/19

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Flea Market 2019

May 2019 Flea Market: Over 200 spots!!! - 05/11/19

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Agape meal

Paschal Agape meal after Divine Liturgy - 04/28/19

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Holy Saturday

Tomb and blessing of baskets - 04/27/19

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Palm Sunday

Putting pussy willows together and coffee hour - 04/21/19

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Pirohi making

Potato pirohi making - 03/23/19

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Swearing in the board

Church board and Trustees 2019 - 02/24/19

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Annual meeting

Annual meeting - 02/10/19

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Superbowl Sunday

At the Serbalik house for Superbowl party - 02/03/19

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Baptism of Baby George - 01/19/19

On January 19th we baptized George Gould son of Eric and Katherine Forster Gould. Grandparents John and Debbie Forster came up from Florida for the event.

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Holy Theophany

Church view on Theophany - 01/06/19

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Holy Supper

Holy Supper - 12/24/18

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St Nicholas Day brunch and visit from St. Nicholas

St. Nicholas Day celebration - 12/09/18

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Some of our newest arrivals

Our Altar Servers, The Shashilov's, The Gould's and The Stoja's with their latest additions - 11/25/18

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Birthday for Jubilee (Juvenalia) Schoonmaker and Lydia Nakhlupina

Birthday party for Jubilee and Lydia - 11/11/18

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Fr. Terenti's trip to the Holy Land

Israel, Jordan and Istanbul - 10/08/18

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Cindy Grinko's birthday

At the Rusty Nail - 08/26/18

Cindy Grinko's birthday at the Rusty Nail. Can you guess how many free wings we got?

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August photos

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Church goers at a Lake George camp

A day at the Serbalik camp - 07/10/18

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Altar Servers and Readers

Altar Servers and Readers - 06/17/18

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Fr. Terenti's Birthday

Gathering at the Rusty Nail - 06/05/18

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Blessing of Cross Icon in memory of Gregory Stroyen - 04/15/18

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Photoshots of Pascha 2018 - 04/08/18

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Preparing for Palm Sunday

Pussy Willow and Palm branch bundling - 03/31/18

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Icon School 2018

Icon School - 02/26/18

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Pirohi making

Parishioners and Friends of St. Nicholas making pirohi - 02/09/18

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Superbowl gathering

Superbowl 2018 - 02/04/18

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Sunday, December 31, New Year's Eve Divine Liturgy

Divine Liturgy with Fr. Dn. Paul Gansle - 12/31/17

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Holy Supper

30 Holy Supper participants - 12/24/17

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Yolka and spaghetti lunch - 12/10/17

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Akathistos Service to St. Elizabeth

Archbishop Michael celebrating the Service - 12/06/17

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St. Petersburgh Ensemble

Ensemble singing the Divine Liturgy and presenting a mini-concer - 12/03/17

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Thanksgiving Day

Attendees at the Divine Liturgy - 11/23/17

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Luke and Catherine Henderson's reception

Luke and Catherine Henderson's reception at the farm - 09/02/17

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Blessing of teachers and students

Blessing of students and teachers - 08/13/17

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Ordinary Sunday in the Summer with 4 altar servers - 07/30/17

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Baptism of Victoria Sedar

Baptism and Churching of Victoria - 07/23/17

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Wedding of John Maclutsky and Evelyn (Elizabeth) Roberts

Wedding of John and Evelyn Maclutsky - 07/16/17

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Archbishop Michael's visit

Archbishop Michael's annual parish visit - 07/09/17

We are always honored to have our Archbishop here for his blessings. 

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Guest Deacon from the Diocese of the Mid-West

Fr. Deacon Paul and Matushka Christine Gansle - 07/02/17

St. Nicholas was honored to have Fr. Deacon Paul Gansle serve in our parish. His mother lives in Cohoes and the Gansle's live in Cincinnati Ohio and are members of Christ the Savior Orthodox Church. 

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Graduation presentations

Graduation presentations and party - 06/25/17

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Trip to Jordanville

Visit to the Church, Museum and Cemetery - 06/24/17

Fr. Terenti took a group of parishioners to Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville: Reader Peter S., John and Evelyn M., Vladimir, Natasha and Danny N., Lydia N. and Barbara G. and of course Fr. Terenti's canine companion Sophia.  

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Pentecost Sunday

Picnic and General Blessing of Cemetery - 06/04/17

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Blessing of St. Michael and Gabriel Archangels

Blessing of St. Gabriel and Michael, the Archangels icons - 05/28/17

The icon of St. Gabriel was donated by Barbara Kehn in memory of her family and the icon of St. Michael was donated by the late Sam Kobylar in memory of his family. 

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St. Thomas Sunday

Easter Egg Hunt for the kiddies - 04/23/17

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Paschal Vigil

Reading of the Gospel in various languages - 04/16/17

On Sunday morning during the Paschal Vigil, the gospel was read in English, French, German, Italian, Albanian, Spanish, Indonesian, Bulgarian, Belarussian, Russian, Latin, Greek. 

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Holy Saturday

Blessing of Paschal baskets/Blessing of the bread, wine and fruit after the Divine Liturgy - 04/15/17

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Palm Sunday

Blessing of the icons to be placed on the royal doors - 04/09/17

On Palm Sunday we blessed the icons to be placed on the Royal Doors (4 Evangelists and the Annunication) donated by the Stroyen family in memory of the Stroyen and Cherniak families. May God grant them many years and to the deceased members Memory Eternal! 

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Lazarus Saturday

Baptismal Divine Liturgy - 04/08/17

On Saturday April 8th we received 5 people into the church. Logan "Luke Henderson was received through Holy Baptism. Scott "Zaccheus" Haley, Jennifer "Genevieve" and Scott "Thomas" Versonese and Evelyn "Elizabeth" McClutsky were received through Chrismation. We also welcomed David Ferencz and Jesse Brodnax who joined our church a few months ago who were already Orthodox. May God grant them many years! Welcome to the St. Nicholas family. 

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Presantified Liturgy

Repast and Lenten discussion - 03/01/17

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Forgiveness Vespers

Attendees for Forgiveness Vespers - 02/26/17

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Christmas 2016 December 24-26

Photographs from various services and Holy Supper - 12/24/16

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Icon School

Icon School in session on Tuesday nights - 12/13/16

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Thanksgiving Day Divine Liturgy

Happy Thanksgiving - 11/24/16

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Feast of the Presentation of the Theotokos in the Temple

Attendees for the feast - 11/21/16

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Annual Pet Blessing

Community blessing of animals - 10/30/16

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Donation of new antimension

Donation made in honor of Helen Mack by the Mack Family - 10/30/16

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Soul Saturday

Soul Saturday and Services for Nicolai Federov - 10/22/16

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Icon donors

Donation of the icon of Christ and the Theotokos - 09/25/16

The blessing of these icons took place the week before, but the donors were in church the next Sunday for their pictures. The Icon of Christ was donated by Catherine Prodanovich in memory of her family and the Icon of the Theotokos was donated by Anna Tanchak in memory of her family. May God grant them many years!

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Pig Roast

Pig Roast for the parish - 09/18/16

St. Nicholas had a pig roast for all of the people who dedicate their time to help make pirohi and assist at our flea markets inorder to make our church a wonderful place to come on Sundays and holidays.

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Fall Fleamarket 2016

Bought Corners - 09/17/16

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Baptism of Mia and Kai Clausen

Churching photos - 09/11/16

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100th birthday

Mary Prokop's 100th birthday party - 09/10/16

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Flowers on the altar - 08/15/16

Peter Guba donated the flowers in memory of his mother Ellen for the Feast of the Dormition.

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Blessing of students

Student blessing - 08/14/16

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Pirohi making at the church

Basement pirohi making for the flea market - 08/13/16

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Lake George

Enjoying the day in Lake George at the Serbalik camp - 08/09/16

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Bishop Michael's visit to the parish

Bishop Michael and the grammota awards - 07/10/16

Grammotas were given to Vicky and John Serbalik, David Oreshan and Alan Hodges for all the good work they have done for the parish.

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Steve and Helen Mack's 70th anniversary party

Anniversary and Scholarship presentation - 05/22/16

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Church cleanup

Cleanup around rectory and church - 05/21/16

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Spring Fleamarket

Noontime at the Fleamarket - 05/14/16

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Vespers at the cemetery

Vespers at the Cross in St. Nicholas Cemetery - 05/14/16

After the massive flea market, some of the parishioners wanted to have Vespers, so we had them in the cemetery before the cross. 

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Blessing of the Last Supper

The Last Supper Icon Blessing - 05/15/16

The St. Basil's Brotherhood donated the icon of the Last Supper. 

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Holy Saturday and Pascha

Holy Saturday and Pascha - 05/01/16

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Holy Saturday and Pascha
Lazarus Saturday and baking of Paska breads

After Divine Liturgy and Paska breads - 04/24/16

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Group after the Vesperal Divine Liturgy - 03/25/16

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Blessing of icons

Blessing of the Holy Apostles Icons for the iconostasis - 03/06/16

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Superbowl Sunday

Gathering at the Serbaliks - 02/07/16

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Feast of the Meeting of the Lord in the Temple

Divine Liturgy on the Feast of the Meeting of the Lord - 02/02/16

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Epiphany Celebration

Blessing of waters - 01/06/16

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New Year's Day

Gathering after Divine Liturgy at Stephanie Andruchow's house - 01/01/16

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Svyati Vecher

Holy Supper - 12/24/15

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Steve Mack's 95th Birthday

Party at House - 12/20/15

15 parishioners surprised Steve and Helen in their new apartment on Steve's 95th birthday. Even Santa came to give best wishes to Steve. 

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Cohoes Winterfest

Taking part in the WinterFest in Cohoes - 12/12/15

Stephanie, Theresa, Joe, Barbara K., Barbara G., Katy sold holupki, pirohi, haluskhi and baked goods during Cohoes' Winterfest. 

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St. Nicholas Day

Vespers and Yolka - 12/06/15

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St. Petersburg Ensemble

Rachmaninoff's All Night Vigil Concert - 11/22/15

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Robert Stoja's 1st birthday November 10th

Aftimios, Yorida and Robert Stoja - 11/15/15

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Baptism and Blessing of animals

Baptism of Isabella Ana Vilcu - 10/04/15

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New items donated

Processional Cross, Ripidia (fans) and Lanterns - 09/13/15

St. Nicholas Church is honored to receive gifts of a Processional Cross, Ripidia and Laterns. The set of Ripidia and Cross were donated by John Koblyar Family and the Lanterns were donated by: Michael Telesky, John Guba, Barbara Kehn and an anonymous donor. God Grant them Many years!

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Sunday, August 16th, 2015

Blessing of students and teachers and Herbiage - 08/16/15

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Sunday August 9th, 2015

Eric Gould and Viktor Shashlikov as altarmen join John Yuri - 08/09/15

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Vesperal Divine Liturgy for the Transfiguration - 08/06/15

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Donation of Ripidia and Processional Cross

John Kobylar family donation - 08/02/15

The John Kobylar Family donated a new processional cross and ripidia to the church in honor of their wife/mother Mary. May her memory be eternal and many years to John, Mark and David!

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Birthday party and memorial

Natalia Wolosen's birthday, anniversary blessings, memorials and blessing of kolliva - 07/12/15

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Blessing of St. John of San Francisco

Blessing of St. John of San Francisco - 05/17/15

Many thanks to the Serbalik Families for donating the icon of St. John (Maximovich) of San Francisco in memory of their father and mother John and Leona. St. John will be placed with the other American Saints on the right side choir loft.

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Blesssing of St. Raphael of Brooklyn

Blessing of St. Raphel of Brooklyn - 05/10/15

We wish to thank Roger Mike for donating the icon of St. Raphel of Brooklyn in our church in memory of his mother Zina and father Ed. This icon will be placed in the back along with the other American saints.

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Blessing of St. Job of Pochaev

The blessing of St. Job of Pochaev - 03/22/15

St. Job of Pochaev was an icon donated in memory of Mitch and Barbara Rimanowski on the behalf of the family. This icon will be place in the south case. May Mitch and Barbara's memory be eternal!

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Blessing of Our Lady of Pochaev

Our Lady of Pochaev icon blessed - 03/15/15

This icon will be placed in the case on the north side of church.

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Vigil Service and Parastas for Fr. Daniel

First Sunday in Lent Vigil Service... - 02/28/15

Photograph of the "Vigil"antes.

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Sunday January 18th, 2015

Picnic in January, 40th day for Kate Karol and picture of Mary Sawyer - 01/18/15

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January 11, 2015

Sunday after Epiphany and Litiya for Roger Mike family - 01/11/15

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Vespers and Litiya for Matushka Barbara Pavelchak

Vespers and Litiya for Matushka Barbara Pavelchak - 01/10/15

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January 7th, 2015

Russian Christmas - 01/07/15

For those who enjoy celebrating the 7th of January, we celebrated the Christmas Divine Liturgy again. In America we celebrate the 12 days of Christmas and what better way to end the Nativity season than celebrate the Divine Liturgy with our Julian calendar followers.

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Feast of Theophany

Divine Liturgy for Epiphany and Blessing of Waters - 01/06/15

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Sunday before Theophany

Fr. Dn. Paul Sokol joins us and Blessing of the Vasilopitha - 01/04/15

Today we had Fr. Deacon Paul Sokol join us for the Divine Liturgy. The winner of the gold coin inside the Vasilopitha was Catherine Gould.

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Sunday after Christmas

Fr. Deacon Mark Hoeplinger joing us - 12/28/14

Fr. Deacon Mark came to St. Nicholas to speak to the congregation about what is happening at St. Tikhon's Seminary. Fr. Deacon is on the Board of Trustees at St. Tikhon's and gave an inspiring talk about all the good things that are happening there.

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Synaxis of the Theotokos

Divine Liturgy with a Litiya for John Serbalik Sr and Mary Kopcha - 12/26/14

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Christmas Day

Divine Liturgy - 12/25/14

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Christmas Eve Services

3:00pm Vesperal Divine Liturgy and 7:00pm Compline and Matins - 12/24/14

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Holy Supper

Traditional Holy Supper - 12/24/14

Each year after the Vesperal Divine Liturgy at 3pm we have our Holy Supper at 5pm. We create twelve dishes that have no meat or dairy products which comforms to the way our Lemko ancestors did this meal.

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Funeral for Tekla (Cathy) Karol

Burial Service - 12/18/14

The funeral for Cathy Karol was held in Hawaii and she was buried at the national cemetery along side her husband Joe who died in 2010. Permission was granted by her son Thomas to post the pictures of the funeral.

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Sunday of the Forefathers

Divine Liturgy, Litiya for Healing - 12/14/14

This Sunday we had a Litiya for Healing as we usually do every other month at the end of the Divine Liturgy. For those who need the Sacrament of Holy Unction they are annointed as well.

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Annual visitation of Bp. Seraphim retired bishop of Sendai Japan

St. Nicholas Day - 12/07/14

We are always honored to have Bp Seraphim in our parish. He is so friendly and the children like him very much.

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Annual visitation of His Grace Seraphim

Vespers of St. Nicholas (transfered to Saturday evening Sunday morning) - 12/06/14

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New Baby

Robert Stoja - 12/01/14

Our iconographer Afthimios and Yorida Stoja gave birth to little Robert on November 10, 2014

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Litiya for Richard Tedesco (40th day) and Blessing of St. John the Warrior

Blessing of the St. John - 11/23/14

This icon of St. John the Warrior was donated by the Walko Family and completes Phase I of the icon project.

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History Session and Vespers Choir

History Session with Vespers and Fellowship - 11/15/14

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Upstate NY Junior R Club Convention

Annual meeting, Bowling tournament and swearing in of officers - 11/08/14

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Annointing with Holy Unction

Sunday of the Holy Unmercenaries - 11/02/14

Each year, we celebrate, Sts. Cosmos and Damian and all of the Unmercenaries on the first Sunday of November. At the end of the Divine Liturgy we have a small moleben for the sick and annointing with Holy Unction. With the winter approaching, it is our spiritual "flu shot" to protect from the cold months ahead.

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Baby Shower for Yorida Stojya

Baby Shower after church for Yorida Stoja our iconographer's wife - 09/21/14

The parish showered Yorida with gifts for her new baby Robert who will be born late October.

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100th anniversary weekend

October 11th Memorial Divine Liturgy and Sunday 100th anniversary - 10/11/14

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Sunday, October 5th Icon Blessing

Icon Blessing - 10/05/14

Lisa Duncan wrote the Icon of Theotokos of Pochaev and Fr. Terenti wrote the Icon of St. Constantine and Helena which will be placed in the Church. A larger icon of the Theotokos of Pochaev will be written by our iconographer Aftimios Stoja and put in the north case.

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Sunday after the Exhaltation of the Holy Cross

Litiya for the Heath and Blessing of St. Seraphim of Sarov - 09/21/14

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Exhaltation of the Cross Sunday

Exhaltation of the Holy Cross and Blessing of the Antidoron Bowl - 09/14/14

St. Nicholas Church was pleased to bless the gift of a new Antidoron Bowl, donated by Reader Basil Rupp in memory of his mother and Father, Mary and William Rupp. May their memories be eternal and may God grant many years to their son Bill for his generous gift to the church.

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Sept 6th weekend

Baptism of Thomas Knapp and birthday celebrations - 09/06/14

On Saturday Sept. 6th we baptized Thomas Knapp, son of Thomas and Nadine Stroyen Knapp born May 15, 2014, grandson of Greg and Joyce Stroyen. Reception was in the basement. On Sunday Sept. 7th we celebrated three birthdays: Mary Prokop 98, Madelyn Matala, 90 and John Urie Serbalik 16. 

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August 31, 2014 Divine Liturgy and icon blessing

Blessing of the icon of St. Daniel of Moscow and Blessing of Cars - 08/31/14

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Church New Year Divine Liturgy

Celebrating the beginning of the church year - 09/01/14

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Church Renovations August 27 2014

Removal of the pews, new carpeting and painting of sills - 08/27/14

In order to provide more space for our religious articles, better movement for our seniors and better preservation of our iconostasis,  the church board voted to remove pews reallocate space. As you can see from the images, the front is now brighter and less congested.

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August 24th Church Picnic

Outside Divine Liturgy with the Blessing of Students and Church Picnic - 08/24/14

Over 50 people attended the annual outdoor Divine Liturgy and Picnic. This coincided with work being done inside the church for the two weeks. The work is expected to be finished for the improvements to the church nave.

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Choir and Icon School Picnic

Choir and Icon School picnic at Fr. Terenti's house - 08/17/14

Fr. Terenti entertained 17 people from the icon school and choir. Steaks, chicken, hot dogs and hamburgers were the main fare with a wide variety of salads and desserts.

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Intro to Choir Directing Workshop

Choir directing 101 - 07/19/14

25 Registrants from Auburn to Eastern Massachusetts came to the Introduction to Choir Directing Workshop held at our church on Saturday July 19th. The workshop was conducted by Dr. David Drillock, Professor Emeritus at St. Vladimir's in Crestwood, New York. Students came away from the event learning a new set of skills. We will be holding more choir conducting events in the future. Stay tuned!

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Wedding of John and Victoria Serbalik

John and Victoria's 45th Wedding Anniversary Service - 07/12/14

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Pentecost Sunday Blessing of St. Maxim Sandovich

Icon blessing of St. Maxim Sandovich - 06/08/14

The icon of Maxim Sandovich was donated by the Glushko Family. The father and two sons made the trip from Ohio to celebrate the blessing of this icon in honor of the 100th anniversary of our parish.

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Pentecost, June 8th, 2014

Services at the cemetery for Pentecost and Blessing of graves - 06/08/14

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Sunday May 25th

Baptism of Kostun and Legace grandchildren and Blessing of St. Thekla icon - 05/25/14

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Holy Saturday Pascha Basket Blessing

Paschal Basket Blessing - 04/19/14

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Holy Pascha 2014

Holy Pascha 2014 - 04/20/14

We started at 5:30am with Nocturnes, Matins and Divine Liturgy. We finished at 8:00am. Then we went downstairs for the Agape Meal and returned at 9:15am for the Vespers of Pascha.

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Lazatus Saturday with Bishop Michael

Lazurus Saturday with Bishop Michael - 04/11/14

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Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday 2014 - 04/13/14

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Holy Monday

Holy Monday 2014 - 04/14/14

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New icons adorning the walls of the church

Women saints on the side walls of the church - 03/19/14

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Baptism of Carter (Carterios) Clement

Baptism of Carter on Forgiveness Sunday - 03/02/14

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2014 Maslanitsa

2014 Maslanitsa with Balalika Band Volnitsa - 03/02/14

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Penetential discipline in the early church/Confession today
Audio streams of lectures from the late 1990s

The following audio streams were from a lecture series on Confession that took place in the capital district in the late 1990s.

1. Penetential discipline in the early church by John Erickson. Professor Erickson traces the history of penetential discipline from the early church to the 19th century.  Penitential-Discipline-Discussion.mp3

2. Contemporary Confessional practices by Fr. Paul Lazor. Fr. Lazor discusses the contemporary issues surrounding the Sacrament of Confession. Lazor-Confession-Today.mp3

Bishop Peter's visit to St. Nicholas Church
September 12, 1993
The following video can be viewed by clicking on the various parts: BpPeter_1.wmv  BpPeter_2.wmv  BpPeter_3.wmv  BpPeter_4.wmv  BpPeter_5.wmv
Fr. Terenti's ordination to the diaconate and St. Basil\'s Church 100th Anniversary
October 21, 2001

The following video can be viewed by clicking the following files. The VHS videotape had to be divided into four parts so that it could upload properly: VTS_01_1.wmv  VTS_01_2.wmv  VTS_01_3.wmv  VTS_01_4.wmv  VTS_01_5.wmv

Father Terenti's Ordination to the Priesthood
January 27, 2008
This video can be viewed by clicking the following link: Movie.wmv
Our Community - Serving the Lord
St. Tikhon's seminarians, March 7-8th 2009
Seminarians interacting
Seminarians interacting
Seminarians interacting
Our president and company
Our president and company
Our president and company
Dobrodika Luba
Dobrodika Luba
Dobrodika Luba
More socializing
More socializing
More socializing
Offering Hope
Offering Hope
Offering Hope
Singing Praises
Singing Praises
Singing Praises

The virtual images on this site are the exclusive property of  St. Nicholas Orthodox Church, Cohoes, NY. Educational use is permitted; however, the content may not be re-purposed, reproduced, quoted without proper citation, or offered for sale in any form without the express written permission from St. Nicholas Church Board and/or the owners of the original images, if applicable.

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