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Liturgical music (top) |
OCA webpage -- Music Downloads - Contains downloads of scores and mp3 files of 8 tones, Troparia/Kontakia for the year. |
Orthodox two part music - This site has both pdf files of sheet music and audio mp3 files of the printed sheet music. A great site for a parish that wishes to learn congregrational singing. |
Podoben - Contains various arrangements of sheet music for the Divine Liturgy and festal seasons. |
The Divine Music Project - This website contains over 6000 pieces of music in English and Greek in printed music as well as mp3 files. |
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Lives of the saints and feasts (top) |
OCA webpage -- Saints and feasts - Search by a name of a saint or feast or choose a specific date. Many troparia and kontakia are listed as well as icongraphic depictions of the saint or feast. |
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Online full-text publications (top) |
Jacob's Well - Journal of the NY/NJ/DC Diocese. Publication has an irregular frequency. |
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Orthodox Radio (top) |
Ancient faith Radio - Various forms of audio and music from sermons to prayer to interviews to liturgical chants. |
Orthodoxiya Radio - Continuous Byzantine music predominately in the Arabic language |
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Rubrics (top) |
OCA webpage -- Outline of services - Texts for liturgical services. |
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